In the heart of the Kingdom of Eswatini lies the Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC), a pivotal entity responsible for generating, transmitting, and distributing power across the nation. Established as a public company, EEC operates under the auspices of the Government of Eswatini, serving as a beacon of reliability and sustainability in the energy sector.
Ownership and Governance
EEC is wholly owned by the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini, with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy acting as the shareholder representative. Regular and formal interactions between EEC and the Ministry ensure alignment on governance and strategic matters. Upheld by a variety of laws, codes, and moral obligations, EEC remains accountable to Their Majesties and the people of Eswatini.
Operational Framework
The operations of EEC are supported by over 85 subcontractors, all owned by emaSwati, who collectively provide employment to nearly one thousand individuals. With a customer base exceeding 246,000, including agricultural, industrial, commercial, and residential sectors, EEC plays a central role in powering the nation’s progress.
Historical Milestones
The roots of EEC trace back to the early 20th century when the first electric lights illuminated Swaziland, courtesy of James Weighton Reilly. Over the decades, significant milestones marked the evolution of EEC, including the construction of hydro-electric power stations and the inauguration of modern infrastructure to meet the growing demand for electricity.
Legal Framework
EEC operates within a robust legal framework, governed by legislation such as the Eswatini Electricity Company Act, the Energy Regulatory Act, and the Public Enterprises Unit (Control and Monitoring) Act. These laws ensure transparency, efficiency, and accountability in the company’s operations, safeguarding the interests of stakeholders and consumers alike.
Vision, Mission, and Values
Driven by a vision to be a major player in energy sector development, nationally and regionally, EEC is guided by a mission to meet customer needs in a profitable and environmentally sustainable manner. Anchored by core values of service excellence, honesty, integrity, respect, and social responsibility, EEC embodies a commitment to excellence in all facets of its operations.
Legislative Developments
Recent legislative developments have reshaped the electricity sector in Eswatini, introducing reforms aimed at enhancing operational efficiency, resource utilization, and consumer protection. With the establishment of institutions like the Energy Regulatory Authority and the Electricity Disputes Tribunal, the regulatory landscape has evolved to accommodate a more competitive and dynamic industry.
As Eswatini strides towards a brighter future, EEC remains steadfast in its mission to power progress, prosperity, and sustainable development. With a rich history, a robust legal framework, and a commitment to excellence, EEC stands as a cornerstone of the nation’s energy landscape, illuminating pathways to growth and prosperity for all its citizens.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. Readers are encouraged to seek professional guidance before making any decisions based on the information provided.